Thursday, April 21, 2016

Charmin's Engaging Tweets

Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, LinkedIn - Social media has become essential for companies to have to engage with their customers. Plus, it's an easy way to get their feedback and enhance the company’s brand image. For company’s to use social media effectively, they have to remain active users and be engaging with their followers. There are many companies that have been able to effectively use social media to communicate with customers and, ultimately increasing sales, which include - Red Bull, Nike, and Coca-Cola. I will be looking at Charmin.

Not many people would think Charmin would have a Twitter account. They just sell toilet paper! Tweeting about the toilet has become a great way for Charmin to engage with their customers.  Their hashtags and tweets cause humorous and engaging conversations that otherwise wouldn't be talked about. Hashtags like #CharminAsks and #TweetFromTheSeat allow customers to add their input on a wide array of topics associated with Charmin’s product, toilet paper, by replying to, retweeting, or liking tweets.  Example tweets are Charmin has posted recently are:

Although some of these tweets don't directly talk about Charmin’s product line, Charmin causes their followers to think about them as a brand. The engaging, humorous tweets create a positive brand image and are meant to influence the customer when buying toilet paper. So far this approach seems to be working as far as brand recognition goes. Charmin has had continuous increase Twitter followers. The successes of Charmin's Twitter account is one to admire and use as an example of a great and memorable manner to communicate with customers and improve the brand recognition. Now go follow Charmin on Twitter and #TweetFromTheSeat!

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